Maritime Law

Understanding Your Rights Under The Jones Act

Benjamin U. Bowden
September 11, 2024

If you work on or near the water in Mississippi, you've probably heard of the Jones Act. But do you really know what it means and how it can protect you? Ben Bowden, PC is here to explain the Jones Act and make sure your rights are protected.

What is The Jones Act?

The Jones Act is a federal law designed to protect maritime workers who get hurt on the job while working offshore. It covers the rights of crew members, the maintenance and safety of vessels, and shipping operations. If a seaman is injured because of a co-worker’s careless actions, an unsafe vessel, or dangerous working conditions, the Jones Act allows them (or their family) to file a personal injury claim.

Under the Jones Act, employers are usually responsible when seamen are hurt on the job. However, the injured worker must prove that their employer’s negligence played a part in causing the accident. This could mean proving that the employer didn’t provide a safe working environment or failed to fix known hazards.

There is a three-year time limit to file a claim under the Jones Act, starting from the date of the injury. Injured seamen can seek compensation for things like lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost future earning ability. However, the law only applies to seamen or crew members injured while working offshore.

What Could Happen to Your Jones Act Claim Without Skilled Representation

Not having an experienced Mississippi maritime lawyer could hurt your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. Without skilled representation:

You may miss important deadlines: The Jones Act has time limits for filing claims. Without a lawyer, you could lose your right to sue.

You could settle for less: Employers or insurance companies might offer a quick settlement that's far less than what you're entitled to. A lawyer can make sure you're fairly compensated.

Proving negligence could be difficult: To win your case under the Jones Act, you need to prove your employer was negligent. A skilled lawyer knows how to gather evidence and build a strong case.

You could face legal complications: Without a lawyer, you may not be fully aware of your rights or how the legal process works, which could lead to mistakes or losing your claim.

How Ben Bowden, PC Trial Lawyer Can Help You

With years of experience in maritime law, Ben Bowden and his team understand the ins and outs of the Jones Act. We are dedicated to helping maritime workers in Gulfport through the legal process to get what they need for their future and their family. 

Contact Ben Bowden, PC Trial Lawyer Today

If you've been injured while working on the water in Gulfport, don't wait to get legal help. Ben Bowden, PC Trial Lawyer is here to make sure you know your rights under the Jones Act and get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let us help you through your case. Your rights are important, and we're here to protect them.